La sezione Visual Data è stata lanciata nel febbraio 2018, anche se la collaborazione di The Visual Agency con il Corriere della Sera risale al 2013. Dall'inizio della partnership abbiamo dato vita a una miriade di visualizzazioni statiche e interattive per il quotidiano in versione cartacea e digitale.
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Visual data was launched in February 2018. The Visual Agency’s collaboration with Corriere della Sera however, dates back to 2013. Since the beginning of this partnership, we have created a large number of static and interactive visualizations both for the print and online newspapers.
Visual data was launched in February 2018. The Visual Agency’s collaboration with Corriere della Sera however, dates back to 2013. Since the beginning of this partnership, we have created a large number of static and interactive visualizations both for the print and online newspapers.
Our work for Corriere della Sera includes the selection and suggestion of content and topics to the editorial staff, collecting and analyzing data and creating complex visualizations thereafter.
The Visual Data of La Lettura, the section of the Sunday insert of the Corriere della Sera dedicated to the infographic, was launched for the first time online in February 2018. We created an interactive visualization in collaboration with Google – where we have tracked and visualized what Italians have been searching on Google during 2017.
The project rewards the collaboration that we hold with the Corriere della Sera on the side of infographics, which began in 2013 in the paper and today involves also the online section of the Italian newspaper.
“Series of numerical correlations become the protagonists of a new way of making information, which involves the reader. The most advanced graphic design resources meet journalism: the coordinates of a new aesthetic of knowledge are drawn, with a new idea of creativity”.
Le Mappe del Sapere exhibition, Triennale, Milan.
Within the exhibition Le mappe del sapere, professor Paolo Ciuccarelli, Alberto Cairo and Daniela Piscitelli - three dear friends of The Visual Agency - discussed the importance of data and journalism.
Our projects have been awarded at many international contests: the Malofiej in Pamplona, the Information is beautiful Award in London and the Ed Awards in Wien.