As every year, it took place the agency retreat 'ADayAway' to hang out together, discuss about last year's results, keep up-to-date about innovation and set up future objectives. This time we choose the historical Acquario Civico in Milan as location.
*in the photo above: Prof. Paolo Ciuccarelli having a speech about Data Physicalization

The opening was made by our CEO Paolo Guadagni, who visualized the agency’s performance and underlined the importance of our guiding principles and values, sharing knowledge, caring and staying together especially in these tough times. To do so, our directors wrote down ‘The Manifesto’, an inspirational document about the meaning of working at The Visual Agency.
Following the introduction, a lecture about sustainability has been given by Viviana Poletti (Senior Advisor, Reputation & Sustainability of iCorporate) to raise awareness about climate change and Corporate Social Responsibility. Starting from this earthly problem, we moved to another dimension and dived into the metaverse to explore its meaning. 'Metaverse of better to say metaverses' was a speech given by the expert Vincenzo Cosenza, who recently launch OsservatorioMetaverso, together with our partner Dalk and Ipsos.

Then, thanks to the attendance of our partners Marco Bardazzi (Journalist, co-founder of BeAMediaCompany and board member of The Visual Agency) and Tommaso Guadagni from Dalk, we had the chance to understand the history of journalism’s key points and bring storytelling’s method on a whole new level.

The Visual Agency is always in motion and finally its first product was presented to the team by Giulio Bertolotti, who worked on its development over these years. Kiuu is a platform created for the production of automated motion graphic videos.

It was a long day full of topics with tasteful catering next to the conference room and lastly we ended up visiting the fascinating exposition ‘Unknown Unknowns’ at Triennale di Milano.
These moments are essential to the agency's growth. ADayAway is part of many internal initiatives to bring together and strengthen our team: the secret of our success.