Works How to visualize data with a specific software solution - Power BI

How to visualize data with a specific software solution - Power BI

Client benefit

Customer Value - Increase customer understanding

Project objective

Create a useful and elegant set of visualizations to communicate information on energy production and consumption.

Project results

The consultancy on data visualization allowed the client to build a more effective and usable product using Microsoft PowerBi, the standard data-visualization technology adopted by Terna.

Project background

Terna’s vast network acts as a powerful data source showcasing how energy is transformed from primary sources into electricity, covering load, generation and transmission.

One of the client’s requirements was the adoption of Microsoft's PowerBi as the only tool to be used for the visualization of their data. The information design consultancy was the first-step in our collaboration, allowing a deeper understanding of the data, client needs and education gap. This was followed by a detailed reorganization and positioning of the information available, improving and enriching the way data was represented in Terna’s interactive and public dashboards.

Explore the project

Terna’s consultancy was split into three different phases to analyze, conceptualize and design the project in partnership with the client.

Our focus was on understanding the data information and data organization scenarios, followed by an assessment of different alternatives and finally prototype design. Read further to understand each phase.

Terna three different phases overview
Terna dashboard overview

Consultancy Phase 1 -
Analyzing the state of the art

The project started off with an assessment of the client’s prototypes and included the reorganization and positioning of the information available, the improvement of the effectiveness of the visualizations used and their usability for the reader.

Our analysis was divided into four macro-areas:

  1. User Experience (UX)
  2. User Interface (UI)
  3. Data Visualization
  4. Copywriting
Subdividing the analysis of the old Terna dashboard
Terna dashboard interfaces

Consultancy Phase 2 -
Exploring possibilities

The next step was dedicated to the creation of several views, each one with different aims:

  • Re-organizing the place for information
  • Evaluate the efficiency of data visualization
  • Evaluate the user interaction with different UI elements
Terna dashboard interface
Terna dashboard interface

Consultancy Phase 3 -
Prototype design

After the explorative analysis and client feedback, the prototype was designed. In this version the European Regulators Group for Electricity and Gas (ERGEG) for South Central Europe on network transparency guidelines (see EC Regulation 1228/2003) were combined with Terna’s brand guidelines to define each element of the page design. The data covered load, energy transmission and interconnection, generation and balancing.

Solution to Terna dashboard's consultancy

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