News Third consecutive prize for The Visual Agency

Third consecutive prize for The Visual Agency

After a bronze medal at the Malofiej23 International Infographics Awards in Spain and winning the silver medal in London at the Information Is Beautiful Awards 2015, The Visual Agency gets another silver with the project I Am Culture in the category Infographics Print at the European Design Awards - the ceremony took place on May 21 in Vienna.

The prize was awarded for an infographic published in 2015 for La Lettura: «We are delighted with this series of awards that prove the increased capacity of The Visual Agency, with a synthetic vision and a special design», said Paolo Guadagni, CEO of The Visual Agency.

Ed Awards, at its tenth edition, is the annual award for European designers who pay particular attention to aesthetics and communication design; sponsored by the International Council of Design, the award was established by a joint initiative of different european magazines.

European Design Award in the infographic print category