News The Visual Agency's art director Giacomo Bettiol receives the European Design award

The Visual Agency's art director Giacomo Bettiol receives the European Design award

After the bronze in 2014 at the Malofiej23 International Infographics Awards in Spain, the silver in 2015 at the Information Is Beautiful Awards in London, the bronze in 2016 at the European Design Award in Vienna, the silver in 2017 at the European Design Awards in Porto, yet another award, whose ceremony was held in Oslo last Saturday, June the 2nd, at the European Design Award 2018. Two Data Journalism projects, made by The Visual Agency for Corriere.it, were awarded in the category "Infographics - Digital". 

The award was bestowed for the two multimedia articles (longform) published for Corriere.it, the online newspaper of Corriere della Sera. These are an article on RussiaGate (Russiagate) and a very in-depth dossier on the destruction of archaeological and cultural heritage in Syria (Syria). The Visual Agency was responsible not only for the design, illustrations and programming of the two articles, but also for the data research and the editing of part of the content.

"We are delighted with this series of international awards, which testify to The Visual Agency's ability to interpret numbers, concepts and information in a complete and clear way, with a synthetic vision and a particular design," says Paolo Guadagni, founder of the agency.

European Design Awards, now in its twelfth edition, is the annual award for European designers who pay particular attention to aesthetics and communication design; sponsored by the International Council of Design, the award was established by a joint initiative of different European magazines.