For the Milanese publication, one of the most authoritative at the Italian level, we traced and visualized what Italians had been searching for on Google during 2017, and then compared it with the research carried out in other countries - like the United Kingdom, France, Germany and the US.
To do this, we used Google Trends, a tool that lets you know how often you search the web for a given word or phrase - search and display can be set by country and language.
In particular, we selected the queries that, for each month of 2017, had had a greater search variation. The results were then compared over the whole year, to normalize them on a scale from 0 to 100. Finally, for each query all the values of interest were collected over time in 2017 to visualize the trend and obtain the average value of research on the year.
The project rewards the collaboration that we hold with Corriere della Sera on the supply side of infographics, which began in 2013 with the paper and consolidated format.