News #OpenDataTalk: from sustainability to digital humanities

#OpenDataTalk: from sustainability to digital humanities

The #OpenDataTalk event was organized and curated by The Visual Agency and Dalk on the occasion of 2021 Milan Digital Week (ITA only). 

#OpenDataTalk: from sustainability to digital humanities

The goal was to discuss the topic of open data in a transversal way: the speakers investigated the opportunities offered in the field of digital humanities and dissemination, also addressing environmental sustainability and the importance of data during the current emergency situation.


Isaia Invernizzi Data Journalist, il Post 

Isaia Invernizzi
Data Journalist, il Post 

He mainly deals with news and data analysis, of which he has always been a lover. In recent years he has published many insights made thanks to the union between pure reporting and data-journalism. In 2020 he worked on a long investigation that helped unveil the real data of the epidemic in Lombardy. 

Matteo Moretti  Experience Designer, Sheldon Studio

Matteo Moretti 
Experience Designer, Sheldon Studio

Award-winning designer and deputy director of the master's degree in Interaction & Experience Design at the University of the Republic of San Marino.

His design research projects have received several international awards. In 2018, he has been one of the 100 ambassadors of Italian design in the world.

Matteo Bonera Creative Director, The Visual Agency

Matteo Bonera
Creative Director, The Visual Agency

Matteo is a creative with experience in the fields of art, multimedia, and design. He leads the creative direction of complex communication and information design projects, both in the public and corporate sectors. He provides training courses to international companies and teaches at design schools, universities and masters.

Tommaso Guadagni CEO Dalk

Tommaso Guadagni
President, Dalk

Entrepreneur active in the field of corporate communication, he has always had a passion for digital journalism.
In 2016 he created Visualeyed, an online magazine dedicated to data journalism, and in 2018 he founded Dalk. He is guest lecturer of the master in Digital Communication and of the master in Journalism at the Catholic University of Milan.