News One more Adayaway!

One more Adayaway!

Screenshot from the Adayaway

Organizing an annual in-house corporate event is a tradition at The Visual Agency. We call it Adayaway: a name that is anything but random, since it recalls the itinerant nature of the event.
This year, unfortunately, we had to rethink the way it was held, adapting it to the global emergency situation that has been going on since February 2020. 

Although sometimes the virtual approach may distort the nature of an event and deprive it of its main values, even more so in a creative and collaborative context like the Adayaway, we managed to create two intense and productive half-days.

The first part of the event was dedicated to the agency's growth, its main activities and an overview of 2020.
The second part, instead, brought together various guests and friends of the agency, such as Germano Calvi, Marco Bardazzi, Salvatore Ippolito, Paolo Ciuccarelli, Stefano Maruzzi and more.