News New languages and new tools to communicate sustainability

New languages and new tools to communicate sustainability

Viviana Poletti talks about CallToSustainability at the Salone CSR 2023 event in Milan

How to communicate sustainability and stay abreast of time with the latest innovations in the industry? The Visual Agency, as a founding member of CallToSustainability, discussed these subjects and more at Salone della CSR.

CallToSustainability spokesperson and Senior Advisor in Reputation & Sustainability Viviana Poletti

On this occasion, our CallToSustainability spokesperson and Senior Advisor in Reputation & Sustainability Viviana Poletti, delivered a speech about the importance of contributing to transparency to build trust, translating the complexity of issues and data, and innovating tools and language to effectively engage all target audiences.

The new languages ​​and tools talked about were: Data Podcast used in the Polis Report 2022 to present SDGs data through an interactive podcast, the Generative AI platform of BIPxTech used to efficiently find financial statement information and how interactive Data Visualization is useful to analyze data on the energy transition and renewable resources in Italy (explore our project Terna4Green).