In June 2021 we launched the project, a digital and interactive platform that allows users to independently discover and explore the entire body of artistic works connected to and inspired by the Divine Comedy.

The project has aroused great interest in the media, as it was published on magazines all over the world (including Il Sole 24 Ore, Forbes, LitHub, Actualittè, Openculture and Communication Arts) and appeared on important tv channels such as Rai Cultura and SkyTg24.

A few months after its creation, The Visual Agency can now proudly celebrate a new success for the patronage by the Dante Alighieri Society.
The prestigious Italian cultural institution, founded in 1889 by a group of intellectuals led by Giosuè Carducci, aims at protecting and spreading the Italian language and culture in the world, celebrating in particular the figure of Dante.
Such goals perfectly match the work carried out by the agency.
This achievement testifies and certifies how the research and development activities of The Visual Agency in the field of digital humanities are of fundamental importance for scholars and researchers of humanities as well as for the entire community, and can only fill us with satisfaction.