News Data Embodiment: beyond the visual, back to the world

Data Embodiment: beyond the visual, back to the world

Article on Data Embodiment

We experience the world around us – and make sense of it - through all our senses, with our whole body, why aren’t we approaching the representation of data with a similar, holistic, multisensorial, approach? Paolo Ciuccarelli, professor of Design at Northeastern University, shares a new article that explores the world of data embodiment. This study is divided in three parts, and in this first issue  he reflects on Lins Derry’s work about data choreography. 

Lins, principal at metaLAB Harvard, looks at how choreography models can be applied to different design processes, in HCI especially through the concept of choreographic interfaces: “the body is often her site for investigation and intervention in the realms of design and performance”. The focus on data representations comes from realizing how the choreographer’s process of organizing bodies in space resembles the one of visualizing data on screen or paper, the layout part especially.